My New Years Resolutions for 2018!

I started off my blogging days with a New Years resolution post, and so today I'm going to look back on what I said I'd do and see if I actually went through with my goals! I'm also going to be talking about my personal aspirations for 2018 as well as my blogging goals!
2017 Goals (Wha…

Exploring Otaru

Today Amanda and I explored a city nearby Sapporo: Otaru! Otaru is known for the amazing glassworks they produce, and we got to witness that in some of the local shops.
It was quite cold, about -8 degrees Celsius, so a lot of these photos will have us covered in snow and trying to brace the winter…

Spending Christmas in Hokkaido

Merry Christmas! I am in Hokkaido with my good friend Amanda, staying for about a week while we explore Sapporo and celebrate Christmas together. We didn't plan our trip as neatly as we did for Nikko, so we kind of go with the flow of every day.

I've recorded some vlogs, one of us flying t…



3年前、私が新入生だった時、ヴィンセントに会いました。 彼は寮の3階に住んでいて、私は2階にいました。 私が彼に会うことについて覚えている最初のことは、彼がホールで歩いていて、私と話したことです。

彼は番号を教えてくれて、メッセージを送ってと言いました。 その夜遅く彼に「こんにちは」と言いましたが、彼は返信しませんでした。 翌日、彼は食堂で私を見て、間違って私に彼のお母さんの番号を伝えたと告白しました!


VLOG: Hair Extensions Fail & A Day at Waseda University!

A few days ago I realized that I'm long overdue for posting a vlog! I haven't had any vlog ideas recently but the other day I decided I was going to get hair extensions, so I thought it was a perfect time whip out my camera.

Unfortunately I didn't end up getting hair extensions because …

Netflix Originals I'm Obsessed With

Netflix Original shows are being released more and more frequently, and within all the releases Netflix has come out with some real gems. Here are 4 Netflix Original shows I'm currently watching, and can't take my eyes off. 

Mindhunters is set in the late 1970's, and it'…

What Study Abroad Has Taught Me

When I arrived in Japan back in September, I knew within the first week that something was missing. Sitting in my new apartment, bags still unpacked, I felt incomplete and alone. Only two months later and I would be sitting outside my apartment, on the phone with my parents in tears. I begged them…

Unclockable Winter 2017 Outfits

Unfortunately for us in the Northern Hemisphere and in the East Coast (which is an oddly specific generalization but I see y'all beneath the equator and in California - I see y'all), to be frank, it's getting cold. Now it is getting socially acceptable to look like Pops from Regular Sh…

Eyelash Perming in Tokyo

I recently decided I wanted to perm my eyelashes. This conclusion came to me as I struggled for 20 minutes to properly apply false lashes for a night out. I huffed, gave up, and looked up a place to get my eyelashes permed. I found a salon relatively close to me, in Kabukicho, with an affordable p…